Hamburg-Eppendorf Medical Centre is a legal entity structured as a corporation under public law and a member corporation of the University of Hamburg. The competent supervisory authority is the Ministry for Science, Research, Equality and Districts (BWFGB), Hamburger Str. 37, 22083 Hamburg, Germany.
VAT identification number: DE 218618948
The greatest of care has been taken in creating the freely accessible and free-to-access content provided by this website. However, the operator of this website offers no guarantees as to the accuracy and currency of the freely accessible and free-to-access journalistic advice and news provided by this site. Articles with named authors reflect the opinion of the author in question and not necessarily those of the website operator. Merely accessing the freely accessible and free-to-access content on this website does not create a contractual relationship between the user and the website operator, who therefore has no intention of creating such a relationship.
This website includes links to websites operated by third parties (‘external links’), who are furthermore responsible for the content on their websites. When creating links to this third-party content, the operator of this website checked the third-party site for potential legal infringements. No such infringements were discovered at this point in time. The operator of this website has no influence on the current or future design and content of sites that are linked to. The inclusion of a link to an external site does not imply that the operator of this website claims ownership of the content referenced by such a link. The operator of this website cannot reasonably be expected to monitor external links without actual evidence of legal infringements. If such evidence is provided, however, then all links to the infringing website will be removed without delay.
We also use our website to promote the profiles that we have created on the social networks listed below. We link to these profiles using the icon provided by the network in question. We link to the network with an icon located on our own website because otherwise, any page that you access on our website with an embedded social media profile would have to connect to the server operated by the social network automatically in order to display the logo from this network. With our approach, users have to first click on the social network icon before they are then forwarded to the social network itself. When this forwarding happens, the social network in question is provided with information about the user. It is also possible that some of the data collected will be processed in the USA. This kind of data includes items such as the IP address, date, time and page visited. If the user is also logged into their user account on the social network concerned, then the network operator may also be able to link the information collected about the user’s page visit to the user’s personal social media account. If the user then interacts by using a ‘Share’ button provided by the network, this information may then be stored in the user’s personal social media account and/or published on the network. If you want to avoid any possibility of the information collected being directly linked to your social media account, you will need to log out before you click the logo. You may also be able to configure your social media account to avoid this happening. Our website includes links to the following social networks:
Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, a subsidiary of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA Privacy policy: EU-US Privacy Shield:
We have embedded YouTube videos into our website. YouTube is a video portal operated by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., 94066 San Bruno, CA, USA. YouTube is a subsidiary of Google Ireland Limited (‘Google’), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Google is certified according to the EU-US Privacy Shield framework Accordingly, Google (and therefore its YouTube subsidiary) guarantees that the processing of data in the USA also complies with EU data protection regulations.
We use YouTube’s Privacy-Enhanced Mode when embedding videos in our website. The legal basis here is point (f) of Art. 6(1) of the EU GDPR. Our legitimate interest pursued here is improving the quality of our website provision. According to YouTube, its Privacy-Enhanced Mode ensures that the items of data as detailed below are transmitted to YouTube’s servers only when you actually start watching a video.
We use YouTube’s Privacy-Enhanced Mode when embedding videos in our website. The legal basis here is point (f) of Art. 6(1) of the EU GDPR. Our legitimate interest pursued here is improving the quality of our website provision. According to YouTube, its Privacy-Enhanced Mode ensures that the items of data as detailed below are transmitted to YouTube’s servers only when you actually start watching a video.
This website uses MyFonts. These are font files that are loaded by your browser when you access our website and which ensure a uniform typeface for displaying our website. The service is provided by Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc., 600 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801, USA. To verify compliance with the licence agreement and the number of monthly page impressions, MyFonts transmits your IP address together with the URL from our website and our contractual data to its servers based in the USA. According to Monotype, your IP address is anonymised immediately after this transfer so that this data cannot be used to identify you as an individual. For further details, please consult the Monotype privacy policy: Web Font Tracking Privacy Policy
This website uses Matomo (formerly: Piwik), an open source software package for the statistical analysis of site visits. Use of this service involves the collection of user/personal data (IP address, browser type and version, time of server request, number of visits, time spent on the respective web page). Before being stored, the IP address is anonymised as recommended by the Independent State Centre for Data Protection (ULD, link, based in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany). You are not personally associated with the data as processed by Matomo. Our deployment of Matomo on our web pages does not require cookies to be set by your browser. The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest in the analysis and optimisation of our web-based services.
The content published on this website is subject to German legislation concerning copyright and intellectual property. Any use not permitted under German copyright and intellectual property law requires the prior written permission of the provider or respective rights holder. This applies in particular to the reproduction, reworking, translation, storage, processing or sharing of content in databases, or in other electronic media and systems. Third-party content and rights are also marked as such. The duplication or sharing of individual items of content or complete pages without permission is not permitted and is a criminal offence. Only the creation of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is allowed. The presentation of this website in third-party frames requires prior written permission.
If terms and conditions of use deviating from those set out in the paragraphs above apply to specific usages of this website, this will be clearly indicated in the relevant place. The special terms and conditions of use will then apply to this specific usage.
You can browse our website without needing to provide any personal data. In cases where personal data (such as your name, address or email address) are collected on our website, this is done on a voluntary basis as far as possible. These items of data are never shared with third parties without your express consent. If we receive an enquiry from you, or if we need to prepare or establish a contractual relationship, or make changes to such a relationship, then we will collect and use your personal data insofar as this is necessary for these purposes (personal profile data). We collect, process and use personal data insofar as this is necessary to enable you to use our web-based services as intended (personal usage data). All personal data is stored only for as long as is necessary to achieve the intended purpose (processing your request or concluding an agreement). Retention periods required by tax and trade laws are also taken into account here. On receipt of a request from a competent authority, we may disclose details relating to this data (personal profile data) as required for the purposes of law enforcement, averting risk, fulfilment of legal duties by the constitution protection authorities or by the military counterintelligence service, or to assert rights to intellectual property.
You have the right to obtain information about the data collected about your person at any time, at no charge and without undue delay. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of the personal data you have provided at any time. This takes place with future effect (i.e. is not retrospective). To request information, please contact the website operator using the contact details provided in the Legal Notice.
Sample privacy policy provided by Weiß & Partner Solicitors
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